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Unity and Solidarity, Co-creation and Sharing | The First Course of Training and Study in HEC Cadre School in 2023 Has Successfully Concluded

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In order to better fulfill our responsibilities, practice the mission of "technological innovation, healthy life", continuously promote higher-quality and sustainable development of the company's industry, and realize the great goal of "common prosperity, centennial HEC", we need to continuously strengthen the construction of the cadre management system, and build a cadre team that "unifies the mind, obeys the command, dares to fight well, wins the battle, has a pattern, and cares about the overall situation".

The chairman of the group and the board of directors have always attached great importance to the training, selection, appointment and management of cadres, especially the echelon construction of cadres and the training of young cadres. The construction of the cadre team is related to the success or failure of the company's future business. The group decided to establish a cadre school, with the chairman of the group as the principal, to cultivate and improve the comprehensive ability of cadres through various modes. The chairman selected 100 cadres from the list of 120 cadres recommended by various units to participate in the first training class held in Zhuhai from July 6th to 8th with the theme of "unity and solidarity, co-creation and sharing".

(Picture 1: A group photo of the trainees of the cadre training class)

Part I: Training and Learning

Through the study of the company culture, the overall development and operation of the group, the group's strategic planning and goals, and the construction of cadres' style, we have a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the company and this big family. The three external professional teachers invited provide three-dimensional empowerment from the three dimensions of "closed-loop management from strategy formulation to implementation, financial compulsory courses for non-financial personnel, and excellent managers" to expand trainees' strategic thinking, financial thinking and management capabilities.

(Picture 2: Training site)

Part II: Principal's Speech

At the closing ceremony, Zhang Yushuai, chairman of the group and principal of the cadre school, introduced the key developments of the group and put forward clear requirements for strengthening the systematic construction of the cadre team.

(Picture 3: The principal is speaking)

HEC has always adhered to the development path of scientific and technological innovation and serving the country through industry. After 26 years of rapid development, more than 23,000 people have gathered to deeply cultivate the three major industries of " new electronic materials", "biomedicine" and "health care", and have achieved obvious results. Continuous improvement and promotion have made employees and families happier, and made positive contributions to social and economic development and public welfare undertakings. These are inseparable from the important contributions made by our united and hard-working cadre team!

Our cadres are required to be loyal to the company and to our common cause; a qualified cadre must have both morality and ability, and morality is the first priority; focus on the process, but also pay attention to the results; be a person with a pattern, and take the overall situation into account when doing things; clarify responsibilities and rights, and stick to the bottom line of principles.

It is required to continuously improve and build a set of evaluation criteria for qualified and outstanding cadres from the perspective of organizational construction; through internal training and selection and external precise introduction, strengthen the echelon construction of cadres, and attach importance to the cultivation of young cadres; strengthen the selection and appointment management of cadres, clarify the responsibilities and rights of cadres at all levels, the organization gives full authorization, and the individual sticks to the bottom line of principles.

(Picture 4: The principal is speaking)

Cadres are the heads and main responsible persons of each unit, and they are propagandists, educators, and executors who adhere to the legal management of the general outline. Cadres must bravely shoulder their responsibilities and strive for good results in order to truly "be a good family". The company will continue to improve the incentive-based and reward-based assessment and distribution system of "struggle-oriented" and "excess rewards", conduct fair and scientific evaluations of cadres' abilities and the value they create, reward cadres who have made important contributions, and provide equity incentives based on conditions, so that more outstanding people can become shareholders of HEC.

The future is full of hope and challenges, the road is long and difficult, but we will arrive if we act. We are united together, work hard together, create brilliance and share results.

Part III: Graduation and Outdoor Expansion

After the course study, the trainees took the exam, and combined with the actual work situation, they offered advice and suggestions for the development of the company. The pass rate of the trainees in the course reached 100%, and they all obtained certificates of completion, submitting a satisfactory answer sheet for this cadre training study.

(Picture 5: Receive the certificate of completion)

Finally, an outdoor team task was organized to test the ability of collective cooperation. Everyone worked together to create a "dream giant painting".

(Picture 6: Dream giant painting)

The first training class of HEC Cadre School in 2023 organized by the HEC Group Human Resources Department was successfully concluded.

——Wonderful moments during the training and study of the trainees——

(Picture 7: Trainees sign in)

(Picture 8: Group discussion1)

(Picture 9: Group discussion2)

(Picture 10: Group discussion3)

(Picture 11: Group discussion4)

(Picture 12: Group discussion5)

(Picture 13: Team building1)

(Picture 14: Team building2)

(Picture 15: Team building3)

(Picture 16: Team building4)

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